AGENDA - PTF General Meeting
TIME: 7:30 PM
DATE: Tuesday, September 12, 2023
1. Meeting called to order and attendance
2. Secretary’s Report (approval of minutes from 6/13/23 meeting)
Motion to approve:
3. Treasurer’s Report - final account balance:
Motion to approve:
4. Discussion:
a. 9/15 Woo Sox
b. 9/19 Spirit wear kickoff
c. 10/21 Fall Festival
d. Grants Committee Update
e. Addition of PTF Board roles (bylaws to be updated)/Election:
- Community Events Chair – leads a committee of volunteers in the planning/organizing/execution of events such as Fall Festival, Festival of Cultures, etc.
- School Spirit Coordinator – coordinates ordering of spirit wear and field day shirts; leads a committee of volunteers in the planning/organizing/execution of events such as bingo, school dance, talent show, movie night, etc.
5. Additional Comments/Community Questions:
Time Adjourned:
Blanchard Memorial School
493 Massachusetts Ave.,
Boxborough, MA 01719
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